Episode #2 - Getting Accredited - Teacher Zone

Episode #2 – Getting Accredited

What does it take to get your Music School Accredited with Clint Haycraft, Ph.D.

In this episode we interview Clinton Haycraft, Ph.D. where he goes in depth into all the various aspects of getting accredited.

Listen to “Music School Accreditation” on Spreaker.

Music School Path to Accreditation: To do list

  1. Reach out to local accreditation board (find out who handles accreditation in your state)
  2. Pick a category (we chose “Supplemental Education”)
  3.  Initial assessment report
  4.  Get accredited
  5.  Work with local school and/or district to utilize their school code for college credits
  6.  Attract a bunch of new students to your school and grow

The three things we picked to improve our School for our “Action Plan” were:

  1.  Data Collection  and Reporting Methods (Learning Management System…www.TeacherZone.com)
  2.  Robust Human Resources Department
  3.  Formalize Our Schools Approach to Emergency Situations

Book: Talent is Overated – Geoff Colvin 


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